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Emma Bäcklund, Photography Portfolio
My tools of the trade include:
Camera: Sony Alpha 7 iii
Lenses: 24-70mm & 70-200mm
SeaFrog Water Housing
A variety of 35mm film cameras & a Super 8 film camera
With a Diploma of Photography of Lofoten Folkhøgskola in Norway, I am confident to back my passion with professional training. My photography has taken me to some great places in the world and many sides of photography. From water to the outdoor, but also to fashion photography. I use a mixture of equipment to create the perfect style for each scene.
Client Lifestyle Content

Client: Next Wave by Tiff Riggs
Brand Collaborations: Ranger Outdoor and Gentle Habits
Location: Mentawai, Indonesia
Brief: Document women's surf trip and capture the authentic adventure and pure fun

Client:Glide Fins

Client: Gomez Surfboards

Client: Stir Crazy